~ Summer Camp 2007 ~
Memorial Day Weekend

The hot fiddle chick from Cornmeal onstage with moe. friday
Summer Camp Festival 2007.
Wednesday evening Beth and I packed the car in the rain. We were pretty sure it would stop by morining and that we could get everything we needed for the 500 mile, 5 day trip into the Mustang. Wrong on both.
Thursday morning we packed all the stuff from the car into the truck in the rain and spent most of the rest of the day driving in the rain. We took two lane highways from home in Kansas then across Missouri for an uneventful but most interesting trip. I had never traveled to Summer Camp with anyone and it was nice to have someone to talk to on the seven hour drive. We rolled into Peoria a little behind schedule but confident that we would have a good spot to camp saved for us. While we stood on line for wristbands Regular Joe waited with the truck which I was allowed to bring into the campground this year because I'm old (and I had $30). It was nice that Joe and Mel unloaded the truck and set up our tent while we were in line! We found that quite a few of our party was already there and the early arivals had made an excellent choice of campsites and without a doubt the largest we had ever had here at Three Sisters Park.
Something about Summer Camp is familiar. Just after you have set up your stuff and sit down for the first time there is a feeling that you've been here, not BEFORE, but continuiously. Just like you never left. It is eerie but used correctly can be very helpful.
It was really nice to have company on the trip.  Chris and Mike relaxing Thursday..
Friday Friday we hung up a monkey so as to be able to find our camp easily.  A few took to brushing their teeth to honor Him.
Pat and smiley Gwen
Steph, Sarah P., Charlotte and Chris spend some time blowing up balloons to decorate the childrens area!
Reg, Keller and lurker pose yet again.

It rained alot, which is not evident in the pix. Our tents stayed dry though unlike our feet. I lost my shoes the first day and got pretty comfortable walking in the mud.
Jen, Mel and Uncle Jimmy
Amanda joined us this year
Mel takes my picture
Wonder Woman stopped and posed for a pic.
Old friend Kyle was present again this year, As was Brian who I did visit with but do not recall for some reason.
Friday while getting some vendor food we heard somebody tearing up the Camp Stage. I mean really ripping it up. We started to walk that way figuring it would be over before we got there. Not only was it still going on but went on for like ten minutes! Getting up close to the stage we could see U-Melt was on but sitting in was Chuck! Friends I don't think I have ever seen such an energetic performance! Sorry but didn't have a camera with me at the time. You should have BEEN there!
Speaking of being there, we missed Erin this year. In her honor no beer bongs and no horns were permitted. Maybe next year.
moe. Friday

Chicago Farmer puts on a really nice accoustic solo act.

As always I met lots of fun people!

You only get ONE 'YO ADRIANNE!'

The pickin' workshop on Saturday was well worth the time. Cornmeal was onstage and joined by Vince Herman. A good time was had by all! Anybody could join in, wish I had carried the guitar in from the car. Met up with fellow Kansans there but unfortunatly lost their myspace. Anybody know Darrin Nedie?
mud splatterd on my leg looked like some oriental art, or so i was told

part of the Kansas delegation.
New guy 'Shifty' hung out with us alot and was fun. Adandoned by his friends he moved in with us Sunday

moe. Saturday
Amanda not too peaceful if you knock her tent down!

Guitar workshop Sunday was with Al and Chuck of moe. fame and Brendan Bayless from Umphries.  It was a treat to hear them jam


Backyard Tire Fire puts on a rockin' show!  Looking forward to seeing them at Waka.

All dolled up!

Monday morning early we packed and drove all day crossing the river at Hannibal.  There is a cool Mark Twain mossaic there.  Unusual for me to have company on a trip we talked almost non stop making the trip a pleasure instead of a drudge.  Looking forward to Waka next week!

Remember that eerie feeling I mentioned? Through the whole festival there was a feeling like we have always been here. Like a Twilight Zone episode. I talked about it with others who had the same feeling. Kind of like we temporarily interrupt our lives at Summer Camp to go out and get supplies, but this is where we live. Where we belong. I don't get sad anymore when I have to leave, I just say "I'm going for some veggie lo-mein" and next thing I know.... it's early arrival day again!

Meanwhile we will be tie-dying this weekend to make enough stuff to vend at Wakarusa next week. WakaWaka!

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